Monday, August 25, 2008


I have some peace from the kids, so I wanted to tell you about Tommy. Tommy is my oldest child. He is the best big brother any kid could ask for, and one of the best sons. Tommy has a hug desire to do what is right and to please Heavenly Father. The other night he came into my room to tell me he found his testimony. I did not realize that he was looking, he knows what one is, and the basics, but he found more. Tom (his dad) went in his room late that night and talked to him about his testimony. It was a good experience as a parent and I was so proud of him for wanting to know the truth, and seeking out good. I would put a picture up but I packed then all.

What talk did I use?

I have been asked by a couple people what talk I ended up using; I didn’t use any of them. I received a call on Sunday morning that it was the talk on pg 54 in the General Conference issue, so I wrote another. When it was my turn I had planed to use the last one I wrote, but I ended up just saying what the spirit wanted me to say. All in all it went pretty well. I started to pack today and got a lot done. My house on the other hand needs some attention. I will be cleaning tomorrow, the entire time the kids are at school. I love when my house is totally clean. :-)
